Tuesday, February 21, 2012

the civil wars.

Tomorrow I begin a period of 10 days that are to be filled with 2 papers and 6 exams.  I am so excited!  Only not.  I'm actually shaking and crying right now but you can't see because you're reading this and not sitting next to me (thank God, for your sake).

I like to give myself self-imposed study breaks so I don't go insane while study and also so I can forget all about my sad, stressful, overwhelming life (now would be a good time to mention that I am a little dramatic).  The entertainment really isn't confined to the study breaks, I tend to listen to music while I'm studying as well.  Not all the time, it depends on how I am going about the studying and what exactly it is that I am studying, but a lot of the time I have some tunes playing in the background.

Lately I've been listening to a whole lot of The Civil Wars and whole little of anything else.  I'm obsessed.  I'm a relatively new fan of theirs, only learned of their existence months ago, but oh my GOD am I excited that I discovered them.  I'm a really big fan of country music, so I found out about them through that, but for you people who claim you don't like country (praying for you, tbh) - I would put them more into the folk-y/acoustic/bluegrass category.  They truly are lovely.  Two time Grammy award winning lovely.

Anyone who watched the Grammy's saw their sublime performance while introducing Taylor Swift, and speaking of Taylor I am also sure that somewhere you have heard the song they did with her, Safe & Sound?  I dare you to listen to that and tell me it's not one of the most glorious things you've ever heard.  The minute I heard that song I fell instantly in love with it and it's currently racing to the top of my most played song on iTunes.  The video, which is what I linked above, is gorgeous too.

Their album Barton Hollow is one of my favorites to come out of last year.  I am a fan of every single song and have played each one to death.  I'm really a sucker for bare bones arrangements and they do it so perfectly and flawlessly, I honestly can't fangirl over them enough.  My personal favorite song of theirs, if I'm forced to choose, is Falling.  There's something devastatingly beautiful about it and the lyrics are just...I have no words (how ironic of me).  I also really enjoy I've Got This Friend, it's my favorite sweet song.  It just makes me want to bounce around.  Their two most popular songs - Poison & Wine and Barton Hollow have gotten many plays on my iTunes, as well.  Great things all around.

Back to the books I go (boo!), but I'm gonna leave you with a wonderful live performance of Falling...

xx Meg

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