Saturday, March 17, 2012


Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I'm half Irish but aside from the Irish Soda Bread that my mom made this morning, I won't be doing much of the "traditional" celebrating.  I have, however, spend a good amount of time outside today celebrating this beautiful weather.  So I did celebrate something...just not what the rest of the country is celebrating.  But eating some bread outside in sunny 70 degree weather?  Sounds like a good day to me.

I've been home on Spring Break this past week, but it's ending soon (wah) and I'll be back at school tomorrow night.  I've mentioned my love of baking here previously, and I especially love baking in my kitchen at home.  It's just, obviously, a lot more spacious than the one at my apartment, has better light, better appliances, a better setup, and just a better everything!  So when I do go home I usually take advantage of it and bake quite a lot.  This spring break I did not really bake much though, I was a little too preoccupied with something else (fyi there will be a post about these little books in the near future, as they have consumed my thoughts and taken over my life since the minute I read the first sentence of the first book).

I woke up yesterday morning really wanting to use a pastry cutter - do you have cravings of using certain baking tools?  No? It's not normal? Okay, just wanted to see.  After thinking about it for about 2 seconds I decided I wanted to make scones, and before my feet even hit the floor I had a recipe for Brown Sugar Chocolate Chip Scones that I knew I was going to make.  That's not an exaggeration, by the way, I literally opened my eyes, thought of a pastry cutter, grabbed my phone and Googled chocolate chip scone recipes.  I found one, then got up and started my day.  The correct way to start a morning, if you ask me...

These Brown Sugar Chocolate Chip Scones came from Evil Shenanigans.  It was my first time making scones, which is absolutely ridiculous and something I can't believe is true.  I love scones.  They are one of my favorite foods to eat so the fact that I had never made them before yesterday is an embarrassment.  They were super easy but completely delicious.  I loved that they used buttermilk and not heavy cream, because I always have buttermilk but heavy cream is not a pantry staple of mine.  The only thing I did differently was swapping out regular size chocolate chips for mini ones.  In scones, and most other pastries actually, I much prefer little bites of chocolate that melt into the scone as opposed to normal size chocolate chips that seem like an add on.  But, it's just a personal preference of mine!

There's an 87% chance I'm going to be making another batch of these in an hour or two while listening to the stunning soundtrack for The Hunger Games.  This is for two reasons - 1) I honestly can't get enough of the soundtrack, it's perfect.  And 2) The following picture is the amount of scones that are left in this house...

 It's unacceptable, it's a problem, and it needs to be addressed & fixed.  Good thing I'm up to the challenge

xx Meg

PS. Read The Hunger Games Triology, please & thank you.  

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