Thursday, March 8, 2012

march photo a day.

I am really obsessed with taking pictures.  Of everything.  I've been taking them probably since the first minute I could correctly hold a camera.  I'm not a great photographer, I've always wanted to take classes or teach myself more about photography - I've just never gotten around to it, but it doesn't really matter all that much to me right now.  The reason I love taking pictures is because I'm always very kind of paranoid of forgetting little moments, or big moments, and the best way I know how to prevent that is just by taking a shot of the scene.  I have loads of pictures on my computer, phone, in boxes and one of my favorite things to do (in the world) is just to randomly go through an album and have each photo bring me back to that moment, that day in which it was taken.

This is a huge reason why I love the iPhone app Instagram.  First - it's on my phone, which means it is always with me.  I can always take a picture or decide to flip through my album to jog some memories.  Second - it has these very pretty filters that you can put your photos through that instantly make any shot look 100x better and more beautiful.  So for someone like me - who knows little to nothing about photography but also loves things to look pretty - it really is a Godsend.

A lot of my Instagram (I'd say a good 50%) is actually pictures of food.  What can I say?  I post what I love.  And everybody knows there's not much I love more than food, especially baking.  But lately my pictures have been a bit more varied because this month I'm doing the March Photo A Day challenge - created by fat mum slim.  I love little memes like this!  I've been having a lot of fun with it. 8 days in and I haven't missed a day yet, I hope & think that'll continue throughout the rest of the month.

March 2nd was fruit...

March 4th was my bedside...

March 5th was a smile (I'm always the picture-taker and never the picture-iner, so this was weird)...

And March 8th (today!) was window...

Those are just a few of the days so far, did it convince you to join? :) 

I'm home for spring break this week, and I'm planning on doing some baking so I'm sure in no time my page will start looking like it did - that is filled with pictures of cookies, cake, and all things sweet - before the #marchphotoaday meme began.  Speaking of baking, we're having people over on Sunday and I really have to figure out what it is I'm making.  Off to search through cookbooks and the hundreds of recipes I have bookmarked on my computer...

xx Meg 

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