Thursday, February 2, 2012

ann, you beautiful spinster.

I'm back to my normal self!  No more sick Meg, YAY!  I am soooo happy I could either puke or die.  Not to mention I just splurged calorie-wise on some CinnaStix & Cheesy bread from Domino's.  Everything really is beautiful and nothing hurts.

What I'd like to blog about today is another thing that makes me very happy.  It's a sweet little flawless show set in a pretty little happy town called...Pawnee.

This show brings me so much joy.  It's absolutely one of my favorites.  It might even be my favorite but I never answer that question because I watch and love so many shows that I can't make a decision.  It's lit-er-a-lly like Sophie's Choice.

The entire cast of Parks and Recreation is amazing.  All hilarious and such great actors, they play their parts so well.  I really wish more people watched it and the award shows paid it more attention (although brava! to the Emmys for at least nominating it & Amy Poehler).  I would hate to lose it after this season, but according to the King of TV, Michael Ausiello, it doesn't look like we are going to.  Thankfully.

Tonight's Valentine's Day episode isn't going to shoot to the top of my favorite's list but it was still hilarious.  I liked the fact that we got to see an unhappy Chris for at least a little bit.  I realize that his whole "thing" is being happy all of the time but some contrast sometimes is nice to see.  I love that he is basically an on/off switch character.  He's either really happy...or really sad.  It wouldn't have made sense had they put him in the middle.

Anytime Ron gets excited (or drunk) it's immediately my favorite part of the episode, so the little moments of him trying to control his emotions had be rolling.  Basically the same goes for anything Chris Pratt related.  He might just be the most underrated actor on the show for me.  His delivery is so hilarious and perfect and his physical comedy?  Dead.  Ben and Leslie were precious, as always.  Their storyline didn't grab me as much as normal but that could be because I was really engrossed with everything else.

I also thought it was a really sweet moment when April set Tom & Ann (I just wrote those names correctly, right? Tom and Ann?  That actually did happen, right? Tom and Ann?  That wasn't just a weird mirage that I did not see coming from a mile away?) up on their date.  The small scene with her talking to Ann about how Tom was the only person that had made her laugh all night really made me smile.  I do enjoy April's hate for her but I'm beginning to think it's just so that I can see moments like that happen.

I clearly have a lot of feelings about my obsession today, but I can't help it.  Parks & Rec is made of sunshine and rainbows.  And I love that it's a tv show in my life.

xx Meg

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